Frequently Asked Questions

Access and accounts

How do I find my Organization Code?

If you are part of an organization that is leveraging Aleria's technology to measure inclusion you should have received a unique code to set up your Inclusion Logbook. If you have not received this code or have lost it, please reach out to your Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Head of HR or similar role to get access.

Why can’t I recover my Anonymous ID?

As part of Aleria’s commitment to protecting employee safety and anonymity, we do our best to ensure that none of our data and insights are identifiable. This means we do not collect email addresses or names. Read more in our Privacy Policy here. By not collecting this information. we are unable to reset your Anonymous ID via email. If you lose or forget your Anonymous ID you must set up a new Logbook on Aleria's platform. Once you get your new Anonymous ID, we recommend noting down your Anonymous ID somewhere safe that you can remember.

I forgot my Anonymous ID. What do I do?

If you lose or forget your Anonymous ID you must set up a new Logbook on Aleria's platform. To do this you can utilize the Organization Code sent in your initial invite. If you don’t remember this please contact the appropriate person at your organization. Once you get your new Anonymous ID, we recommend noting down your Anonymous ID somewhere safe that you can remember.

I don’t have an Anonymous ID. How do I get one?

In order to get an Anonymous ID, you must have an Organization Code that is unique to your company. This will be in your invite you should have received with information about Aleria’s measuring inclusion technology. You can use your Organization Code here to get set up and receive your Anonymous ID. If you have not received this code or have lost it, please reach out to your Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Head of HR or similar role to get access.

Sharing information

What information is collected?

The Aleria measuring inclusion platform collects two types of information anonymously from users. The first is identity information, which includes various parts of you how you identify including gender identity, age, race/ethnicity and more. We also sometimes collect additional information depending on your organization such as which country you’re located in, your department and other non demographic identity data. You will always have the option to select “prefer not to say” and in some cases, “prefer to self describe”.

The second type of data we collect is experience data. Specifically, you will have the opportunity to anonymously share your unique experiences of exclusion in your own words and categorize them within our patent-pending framework, the Categories of Inclusion. You will also be able to tell us the source of this experience. You can enter as many as you like use this platform to share them as they occur.

Why do we collect experiences of exclusion?

By understanding the unique day to day experiences that cause an individual to feel excluded in an organization it gives us great insight into what exclusion looks like. Instead of a one size fits all approach, we can then better diagnose what initiatives leaders can take to drive real impact and build a more inclusive working environment that meets the needs of their employees.

Why do we ask for identity information?

By collecting anonymous identity information we are able to understand if there is a difference in experiences of exclusion as it relates to a certain demographic group within your organization...

How is my data used?

All data submitted through Aleria’s measuring inclusion platform remains anonymous and confidential. The data is used for the sole purpose of measuring inclusion within a given organization in order to provide targeted insights and recommendations.

Aleria’s internal data processes, as well as the way the data is collected and held, ensure that we will never tie an insight back to a specific individual and will keep all employees’ submissions anonymous. If there is any risk of data being identifiable, Aleria’s policy is to remove it from the insights presented or combine them with a larger relevant group. They will never surface specific insights unless five or more people have shared that experience. Finally, Aleria will never share your data with third parties.

Why does Aleria ask if they can anonymously share my experience? What does this mean?

Experiences submitted through Aleria’s platform remain anonymous and are only reported on in the aggregate. Importantly, the described experiences are not quoted or shared with anyone in the employee’s organization unless that employee specifically indicates that it is okay to anonymously share that experience.

When submitting a new experience, as the final step, an employee will answer the following question about sharing: “Are you comfortable with Aleria anonymously referring to this experience when delivering insights and recommendations?”

When employees select “yes” they are effectively providing consent for Aleria to reference and quote the experience in reports presented to the company’s leadership team. Selecting “yes” does not automatically mean that it will be shared. However, these anonymous examples can provide richer context and supporting evidence alongside recommendations and insights from the collective data. Worth noting, we have strict procedures to ensure that nothing identifiable is visible even when the employee indicates that the experience can be shared.

Privacy & Confidentiality

How does Aleria protect employee privacy and safety?

Aleria’s platform has been built with a focus on your privacy, confidentiality and anonymity. Our ability to build a sense of safety and trust is key to our approach and ensures we are able to uncover meaningful insights and provide powerful recommendations to increase your sense of inclusion. With that all users have complete choice in this platform. You can share as little or as much as you like and you will never be required to fill anything out.

Will my manager see what I have shared?

We will never share raw data directly with your organization or specific people within it. We only present insights, trends, and recommendations in the aggregate and in way that cannot be identifiable.

What if I am part of a small group or team? Will my information make it clear that it’s me?

We will never surface or share an insight that could lead to identifying someone. This includes when the insight applies to a very small group. In these cases, these groups will either be combined into a larger relevant group or removed.

Is my information shared with third parties?

All information collected on Aleria’s platform remains secure and is never shared with third parties.

Aleria's Frameworks

What are the Categories of Inclusion?

The Categories of Inclusion is patent-pending framework developed by the Aleria team and based on our proprietary research founded in behavioral and complexity science. The framework provides a tangible structure through which to understand inclusion, and therefore exclusion, so anyone in an organization can begin to take meaningful action. Whenever you submit an experience of exclusion on this platform you will be asked to select at least one and at most three Categories that are best related to your experience.

What are the sources of exclusion?

For each experience of exclusion it’s important to understand who or what was the cause or source of the experience. In Aleria’s software there are seven sources to choose from.

Policy has to do with documented or written standards and procedures within the organization. HR refers to the Human Resources department and processes. Direct Manager refers to the individual that you report up to. Reports refer to anyone that you supervise or manage. Peers are your colleagues and others that don’t necessarily have a supervisory relationship to you. Leadership refers to the high-level leaders in your organization. This could include the C-Suite, VPs and others depending on your structure. Finally, Customers are external stakeholders your organization serves with its products and services.

For each experience you share you can select up to 3 sources.